Cold and Flu Season
The Cold and Flu season is getting to it’s peak and when it starts it hits hard and fast. Prevention is the best defense.
What can you do when symptoms like;
- dry, hacking cough.
- moderate to high fever, although not everyone with the flu will run a fever.
- sore throat.
- shaking chills.
- severe muscle or body aches.
- headache.
- stuffy and runny nose.
- severe fatigue that may last up to two weeks
Some of these symptoms starts early and builds up gradually, whiles some comes on quickly. You can prevent an illness from worsening and turning into bronchitis or pneumonia.
Some products that can help prevent these cold and flu symptoms.
Note these products comes in a powdered form.
- Garlic
- Onions
- Ginger
- Sage- avoid if pregnant
- Thyme
- Cayenne Pepper
- Itiney
- Lemon
This ingredients comes in powdered form and it can be found on our site @